Why HERS Testings?
Although is a requirement to get building permits in California and to comply with California’s Title 24 requirements, here’s what you need to know according to the California Energy commission:
“California is a national leader in promoting energy efficiency. As a result, our energy use per person has remained stable for over 30 years while the national average has steadily increased. Despite this success, we must continue to reduce energy use in our homes. The benefits are highly valuable — reducing energy use not only lowers your energy bills, but helps our electricity system remain reliable, even during high peak-load periods, while also protecting our environment.
In 2006, California established aggressive goals to reduce greenhouse gases that cause global warming. These goals will cut today’s carbon emissions by 25 percent, so we can return to 1990 levels by the year 2020. Efforts to accomplish this goal represent important first steps in addressing the threat of global warming. We owe our children and grandchildren nothing less.
Your energy efficiency actions help make California a better, more environmentally sustainable place to raise your families”